Trashy 2 Classy Fashion Show @TexasTech

Today Dr. Su Shin’s Apparel Design and Manufacturing students hosted the Trashy 2 Classy Fashion Exhibition in the Library. All of the students are in her Fashion Illustration class and had to make an illustration of the garment and then create it from recycled materials. This is the third year they have had the Trashy 2 Classy exhibition in partnership with the USGBCS (United States Green Building Council Students). I spoke to the Vice President of USGBC at Texas Tech, Emily Latham, and she told me this organization is focused on sustainable design and advocates for green design. Typically, they partner with Architecture, interior design or construction students; but this event draws a whole new student demographic.

One of my friends, Lisa Hon, was presenting her dress that she made completely out recycled materials. The dress was made from a marketing canvas from Ann Taylor that was going to be thrown away. The back straps were made from shopping bag strings, and held with coke can tops, and the clutch was made from shopping bags. It took her about three days to complete the dress that she worked on during spring break. Her model was Krystal Loya, a senior studying Retail Management.

Lisa Hon & Krystal LoyaDSCN0023 - CopyDSCN0021 - Copy

Another favorite of mine was Mary Burt’s dress. She’s a sophomore at Texas Tech and her dress was made from plastic and paper shopping bags.

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Taylor Dawson made her dress out of coffee filters, plastic bags, and newspaper to create a really cute couture look. She was actually inspired by flowers and floral designs she saw on Pinterest! She worked on it all spring break and actually used her brother as a human mannequin during the fitting.

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Last, but certainly not least is Elaine Morton a sophomore who created this really cool rain coat out of CASSETTE TAPES and Packing Tape!

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I thought this was a really cool event, that really allowed students to be creative and let their talents shine.  Some cool way to promote your fashion show or designs

  1. Instagram: Not only can other see who has liked the photo, but by using hastags you can increase your reach. #WomensFashion or  #Fashion.
  2. Facebook Events inviting your friends and having a cute flyer goes a long wayCheck in once you get there!
  3. Tumblr is such a great outlet for Fashionista, designers, and illustrators. You’d be surprised by how many people will like your work.
  4. Vine – Record a mini catwalk!
  5. Do your strut around the free speech area or library before the show so people will be curious about what’s happening. Think Fashion Flash mob!

Be on the look out for more info on this event in the Daily Toreador and Texas Tech Today! Wreck Em Tech & Go Green!

Lisa Hon, Krystal Loya, and Me

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My Love Hate Relationship With Social Media

I’ve always been a big fan of social media, even in junior high at 13 I was on Xanga before I pledged my allegiance to Myspace freshman year. It’s fun! It gives you the ability to connect with people all over the world and people you’ve know forever. However, I feel like we’ve entered this period of social over sharing where we feel obligated and expected to connect with every single person that we’ve ever come in contact with.

The person you met once at a party adds you on Facebook, a friend of a friend of a friend adds you on Linkedin, your mom is following you on twitter, and your baby sister is on instagram. And people get offended if you don’t follow back or accept their request. So here you are feeling obligated to add someone you barely know or someone who you’d rather not share information with because you know them in real life.

Now you have to limit what you post, be aware of you say and comment on, and where you take pictures. You just wanted to post a photo of you and your friends now you have to put on a jacket, move the wine glasses out of the way, and make sure nothing incriminating is in the background so your Granny, Boss, and Sunday school teacher won’t think you’re a skank and a drunk. (Even though you’re legal and really like that strapless dress.)

Sometimes I like to watch, say, and do things that have nothing to do with my career goals or my university– it’s just for fun! There are things I would never walk into a classroom or interview room and say, but with social media I feel like I’m yelling them in people’s ears. Sometimes I like to do things without commentary, criticism, and feedback. I just wanted to express myself honestly. When I was in elementary we used to have “Free writes” for bell ringers, draw or write anything you want for 15 minutes. It’s not for a grade, you don’t have swap with your neighbor, and I won’t read it. My teacher would say

“I just want to get your creative juices flowing and let you get anything off your chest.”

If I tweet “I hate burger king” I don’t want to explain why I hate it. I don’t want a 15 tweet dialogue comparing various burger joints from my followers, or you saying you love burger king and I’m crazy! No one was talking about what you like, I was saying what I like.  I’m not writing a compare and contrast essay. Maybe someone doesn’t want to be asked about why their relationship ended when they come into the office on Monday. It’s personal. And don’t get me started about how people psycho-analyze tweets, sub-tweets, and photos and come up with these crazy ideas. (Somebody somewhere is probably writing a dissertation about Rihanna’s instagram and twitter)
Sometimes school friends are only people you wish to converse with at school, and work friends are only people you’d wish to talk to at work; but how do you let them know that?

What do you think? Am I just easily annoyed? Do you see people over sharing and overstepping their boundaries on social media? Do you feel like you’re always being watched??