Media and the Olympics

I know I can’t be the only one who is exasperated by the scrutiny the athletes have been under.  The most irrelevant things have been highlighted this year at the Olympics. Topics like: Gabby Douglas’ hair,  Lori (Lolo) Jones and her virginity, Serena’s victory dance, Ryan Lochte’s love life and grill. Last night on Entertainment Tonight they even posted a break down of Natalie Hawkins’ (Gabby’s Mom) DEBT from her student loans to her T-mobile phone bill. They also spoke about Ryan Lochte’s mom facing foreclosure! Even when McKayla Maroney didn’t hug her Russian competitor Sandra Raluca Izbasa she was blasted for being “fake” and had to take to her twitter page to defend her sportsmanship. The personal lives of these poor athletes have been put under the microscope that we’re forgetting why they’re there; TO COMPETE! To go for GOLD, to break records and barriers! We’re letting these fluff pieces over shadow their hard earned accomplishments. They are not at the Jersey Shore, they are the best on the globe are we should celebrate their accomplishments!

If the Global Media wants to focus on something how about doing a story about

Did you know 7 Cameroonian athletes have gone missing from the Olympic Village?

What about the North Korean labor camps non-medaling athletes are being sent to when they return home?

How about more coverage on the inspiring independent athletes?

What do you think? Are we focusing to much on their personal lives? Comment below or tweet me what you think at @Paige_Nash

What you need to know about Business Cards

These are pretty much the coolest business cards I’ve ever seen. I got a Klout perk for some for free and checked out their site. If you’re a creative person (Graphic Design, Fashion, Photography, Modeling, Accessories Maker, Musician) I’d HIGHLY recommend these. They have plenty designs to choose from, or you can upload your own art. The cool thing about is that each card can be customized to say a different thing. The only things is with the perk you have to have Klout on the front 😦

These are some what my practice card until I perfect what I should have on them for the long haul.

Check out my favorites below


Take 10% off by clicking here: or join and get the perk yourself for FREE!

You can also check out Vistaprint for some free cards or the career center at your college. The Career Management Center at Texas Tech offers business cards for a low cost.

When designing my card I started to wonder what makes a good creative business card? What should I have on it? QR code? A photo? I stumbled upon this article What College Students Should Have on Business Cards.

What to Include 

Contact information should be the main focus on college students’ business cards and should include: name, phone number and e-mail address .

“If you want, you can include ‘NYU class of 2011’, or you can include what field you’re in, such as ‘marketing professional’,” says Pollak.

Tony Conrad, founder of, points out that if you have a URL that recruiters might be interested in (such as a professional blog, or personal Web site) you can include a QR code.

“The fact that you have [a QR code] and understand it and that you’re using emerging technology, that shows that you’re ambitious enough to seek out something new and implement it to your benefit,” he says. “It means they can contact you for your specific talents and start the conversation already knowing some of your background.”


Depending on the field (especially in graphic design, architecture, art, etc.), experts encourage students to get creative with their cards.

Conrad advises students include an aesthetically-pleasing image that makes a statement rather than going for shock value.

“Well-shot photography and clean typography has been a winning strategy in advertising for more than a century,” he says. “If you think of yourself as a luxury brand, present yourself as a luxury brand.”

I also read this article on

Make Your Business Card Stand Out

Don Crowther thinks you should put your picture on your business card. Not only that, but he wants you to include a mini-résumé, your Twitter handle and some sort of special offer that entices each recipient to get in touch.

Check out both of these articles and get yourself a deck of business cards!



My Business cards are here! If you sign up with you can also get some free business cards!

Business Cards